Friday 6 August 2010

Bon Appetit


Earlier today I honestly thought I had nothing to do, see or read, oh how very wrong I was.
Julie & Julia starring Meryl Streep is one of the most delightful (not a word I get to use very often when describing a film) films I have seen recently. There was a smile across my face for the majority of the movie, due to the brilliant acting and also the wonderful story.
Nora Ephron truly celebrates Julia Childs passion for cooking, her book Mastering The Art Of French Cooking, allowed American suburbia to recreate those mouth watering delights that France had to offer post war. The story of the cookbook writer Julia Childs (Meryl Streep) is inter cut with the day to day life of Julie Powell (Amy Adams), whose life in New York post 9/11 is unfulfilling for the wannabe writer.
Julie sets herself a challenge, allowing a year to cook all 524 recipes of her idol Julia Childs, whilst documenting there success on her blog.
Julie and Julia grew up decades apart and never met, but both had a passion for food, which they then shared with the world through a book and a blog.
This beautifully told story of love of food and of husbands, is now one of my favourite films of all time.
I can imagine the snow falling, whilst I am snuggled on the sofa with a big mug of hot chocolate watching this lovely film =]

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